Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Illusion of Perfection

I’m finding it ironic that my entire purpose for starting this blog is to help others identify, confront, and conquer their personal struggles, yet I can’t figure out how to begin because I’m too worried about making it perfect. Worried about saying the right thing, worried about saying it the right way, worried about unintentionally exposing a part of myself that might do more harm than good to any one of you. Why is that ironic? At 16, I was diagnosed with depression and an eating disorder, and perfection, or rather the illusion of perfection, was my most monumental challenge. I’m sure many of you can relate – the all-consuming power of the non-existent concept is enough to rip your entire world to shreds. I must admit, though it no longer consumes my every thought process, perfectionism still trips me up every now and then. So, how can it wield any real power if it is non-existent? We’ll get to that later – trust me, I have more than enough to say about what I believe to be the ultimate riptide of life in the 21st century.


Welcome to Binge There, Cut That! Whether you came here looking for support, encouragement, and inspiration for your own recovery process, or you believed this to be a pro eating disorder or self-injury site, I am eternally grateful you have arrived. For those of you who mistook this as a place for tips and tricks that I can guarantee would only serve to perpetuate your misery (trust me, I speak from experience), don’t hit the “back” button just yet. I urge, no, I beg you to stick around and follow me on this journey of reflection. You will not regret it.
Binge There, Cut That, if you haven’t already guessed, is a play on the words Been There, Done That. During my teenage years, I struggled with eating disorders and self-injurious coping behaviors (among several other self-destructive habits), and I’m here to share my experience with you: my thoughts, my feelings, my emotional distress, my actions, my attitudes, my perceptions, my decisions, etc. I’m here to present the road I traveled that led me to where I am today. I’m here to show you that I’ve been there, and I’ve done that, and it is possible to rise above, conquer your own hell, and heal the wounds that have left you broken.
Still not convinced? I’m not surprised. It’ll take more than a few encouraging words from a total stranger to pull most of you out of the emotional water you’re drowning in – I’ve been there. Many of you will want to navigate away from this site quickly and continue searching for one that will tell you it’s okay to destroy your body and your soul – I’ve done that. But – if you hang around, maybe one of my experiences will hit home, maybe some of my thought processes or perceptions will match yours, maybe you’ll realize that you are not alone and that someone else is or has been where you are. What’s the harm in finding out?


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