About BTCT

Hello! Thank you for visiting Binge There, Cut That. I started this blog with the hope of providing a space for troubled individuals to come and feel a sense of belonging. When I struggled with my own emotional problems, I sought support from a community of people that could relate to what I was going through. Being a shy and withdrawn 16-year-old, I found comfort in the online environment. Unfortunately, I found myself on sites that supported my self-destructive behaviors instead of my recovery process. 7 years later, looking back, the damage those sites did was profound – for every unhealthy coping habit I already had, I picked up two more. I discovered new ways to hurt myself (both physically and mentally) that I would never have thought of otherwise. I am deeply saddened to think of other young men and women finding those sites and spiraling further down in their own vortex of painful emotions. Binge There, Cut That aims to create a circle of acceptance in which anyone and everyone is welcome. Whether you suffer from an eating disorder, engage in self-injurious behavior, struggle with an addiction, feel depressed, anxious, or alone – or you know someone who is suffering - you are always welcome here!